Blood pressure is the force with which blood travels through the blood vessels in our body. The blood that rushes through these vessels has to reach every cell in the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients while simultaneously picking up waste products and carbon dioxide for disposal. This continuous cycle happens seamlessly to ensure the body gets what it needs.

Blood pressure is the force that enables blood to continuously deliver and dispose of substances for the proper functioning of the body. However, this blood pressure must be in a healthy range; anything higher or lower than this range will eventually create problems in the human body, leading to organ complications.

In this blog, with insights from the best heart transplant specialist in Hyderabad, Dr. Alla Gopal Krishna Gokhale, let us explore the impact of high blood pressure, its symptoms, causes, and possible treatment options.

How does high blood pressure impact our body?

“Because blood reaches, interacts, and works with every organ in the human body, the force with which it travels negatively impacts every organ in the human body,” says heart specialist Dr. Alla Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

Persistent blood pressure damages the walls of the blood vessels, making them less elastic and increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, which, in turn, raises the overall risk of cardiovascular diseases and attacks. This blood vessel damage can also happen in the brain, elevating the risk of brain stroke and dementia.

The increased blood pressure continuously affects the kidneys, damaging the tiny blood vessels and leading to kidney problems. Similarly, the blood vessels in the eyes are negatively impacted, leading to eye problems. High blood pressure also leads to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, increasing the risk of type-2 diabetes, according to the best heart transplant surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. Alla Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

In short, blood reaches every organ, and persistent high blood pressure tends to damage every organ unless it is swiftly addressed. But what exactly causes the blood pressure to rise, and how is it treated? Read on to know.

High Blood Pressure – Causes & Symptoms:  

Unhealthy lifestyle choices are the primary cause of hypertension in men and women. Smoking, excessive alcohol intake, high consumption of salt and saturated fats, and lack of physical activity are some of the primary causes of high blood pressure. In addition to these factors, kidney-related problems, diabetes, hormonal disorders, stress, and even increased weight can also cause high blood pressure.

Headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, and chest pain are some high blood pressure symptoms that often manifest in individuals. The symptoms of high blood pressure are subtle to the point that the majority overlook them. The only way to accurately identify them is to undergo regular blood pressure checks from a medical practitioner.

Understanding the Problems of High Blood Pressure: Causes and Symptoms

Treatment for High Blood Pressure:

Maintaining a physically active life, limiting alcohol, a healthy diet, and weight management are the most effective ways to curb high blood pressure. In addition to these strategies, hypertension medications are also recommended by heart specialists to manage hypertension problems effectively.

Given the wide variety of causes, anybody and everybody is susceptible to high blood pressure if they haven’t already. So, the best way to prevent or treat blood pressure problems and avoid their risks is to consult a heart specialist or general practitioner as early as possible. If you are living in and around Hyderabad, Dr. Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale is the best heart specialist in Hyderabad who can help you mitigate the risk of high blood pressure with seamless treatment plans. You can find more information about him here.